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Mon - Fri 8.00 - 18.00


Oark Limited / Library.co.ke

Library.co.ke is a web platform built to archive private and public resources, store new & old education and academic information in a way that promotes sharing and ease of access.

The Problem.
  • There is no central archive for digital academic resources in Kenya.
  • No medium to easily share academic resources among school, teachers, tutors or students.
  • Difficult to assess and analyse our education system and academic content.
  • Publishers and authors have no academic centered platform to digitally sell their academic resources.
  • Easy and targeted delivery of educational news and academic information.


The Solution: Library.co.ke
  • Library.co.ke helps students, professionals, schools and interested stakeholders to archive, search and compare academic resources.
  • Library.co.ke facilitates the delivery of academic information and educational news to schools, students, and other interested parties.
  • Library.co.ke helps stakeholders sell public resources or give it for free to general public.
  • Library.co.ke helps stakeholders store and share private resources with a specific audience


What makes us unique?
  • Library.co.ke supports unlimited digital formats, e.g. videos, PDF, Word documents etc…
  • Library.co.ke offers an elegant user interface, a smart user experience and an intuitive user flow.
  • Our web platform is completely mobile friendly.
  • We support free public educational content.
  • We offer flexible pricing of academic resources for our users and partners wishing to sell their content.
  • We provide private storage of materials for institutions with classified academic (or otherwise) content.


Intended Audience
  • Learning institutions
  • Institutions and individuals promoting education
  • Authors and publishers
  • Teachers and students
  • Researchers
  • General public
  • Art and Culture Museums


Partner with Us
  • Store, share and sell public content at Library.co.ke
  • Store private contents with us
  • Advertise with us
  • Financially assist underprivileged students/ learners access premium materials

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